Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Ich interessiere mich für die psychologischen Prozesse der sozialen Interaktion, insbesondere für Annäherungs- und Vermeidungsverhalten gegenüber sozialen Reizen, Aufmerksamkeitsverzerrungen bei sozial ängstlichen Personen, Mobbing in der Schule und damit zusammenhängenden, positiven Bewältigungsfaktoren. Darüber hinaus beschäftige ich mich mit emotionalen episodischen Erinnerungen mit besonderem Bezug auf traumatische, aufdringliche Erinnerungen.
Neben der Forschung mag ich Konzerte, digitale Malerie, Tee und Romane.
Interessengebiete & Fachwissen
- Soziale Angst
- Positive mentale Gesundheit
- Mobbing
E-Mail: muyu.lin@hu-berlin.de
Web: https://www.psychologie.hu-berlin.de/de/1694051/1689582
Kirsch, S., Maier, S., Lin, M., Guendelman, S., Kaufmann, C., Dziobek, I., & van Elst, L. T. (2025). The Alexithymia Hypothesis of Autism Revisited: Alexithymia Modulates Social Brain Activity During Facial Affect Recognition in Autistic Adults. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bpsc.2025.01.007 📖
Saakyan, W., Norden, M., Herrmann, L., Kirsch, S., Lin, M., Guendelman, S., Dziobek, I., & Drimalla, H. (2023, September). On Scalable and Interpretable Autism Detection from Social Interaction Behavior. In 2023 11th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII) (pp. 1-8). IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACII59096.2023.10388157
Lin, M., Kirsch, S., Guendelman, S., Kaufmann, C., Maier, S., van Elst, L. T., & Dziobek, I. (2023). Neural Engagement during Social Approach and Avoidance in Autistic Adults without Intellectual Disability. INSAR 2023.
Kirsch, S., Lin, M., Guendelman, S., Kaufmann, C., Maier, S., Dziobek, I., & van Elst, L. T. (2023). Minimal Neural Differences during Facial Emotion Recognition between Autistic and Non-Autistic Adults in High-Powered fMRI Study. INSAR 2023.
Lin, M., Wen, X., Qian, M., He, D., & Zlomuzica, A. (2021). Self-focused attention vs. negative attentional bias during public speech task in socially anxious individuals. Behaviour research and therapy, 136, 103766. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brat.2020.103766
Lin, M., Wen, X., Qian, M., He, D., & Zlomuzica, A. (2020). Self-focused attention vs. negative attentional bias during public speech task in socially anxious individuals. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 136.
Lin, M., Wolke, D., Schneider, S., & Margraf, J. (2020). Bullies Get Away With It, But Not Everywhere: Mental Health Sequelae of Bullying in Chinese and German Students. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.
Lin, M., Wolke, D., Schneider, S., & Margraf, J. (2020). Bullying History and Mental Health in University Students: The Mediator Roles of Social Support, Resilience, and Self-efficacy. Frontiers in Psychiatry.
Lin, M., Qian, M., He, D., Li, X. (2020). Avoidance of all feedback? Attention allocation during and after public speech in social anxiety. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry.
Bibi, A., Lin, M., Zhang, X., & Margraf, J. (2020). Psychometric properties and measurement invariance of Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales (DASS-21) across cultures. International Journal of Psychology.
Bibi, A., Lin, M., & Margraf, J. (2020). Salutogenic Constructs across Pakistan and Germany. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 20(1), 1-9.
Chen, H., Rodriguez, M. A., Qian, M., Kishimoto, T., Lin, M., & Berger, T. (2020). Predictors of treatment outcomes and adherence in internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for social anxiety in China. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 1-13.
Lin, M., Bieda, A., & Margraf, J. (2019). Cultural validation of the sense of coherence scale (SOC-L9) in the USA, Germany, and China. European journal of psychological assessment.
Lin, M. *, Hirschfeld, G., & Margraf, J. (2019). Brief form of the perceived social support questionnaire (F-SozU K-6): validation, norms, and cross-cultural measurement Invariance in the USA, Germany, Russia, and China. Psychologial Assessment.
Bieda, A. *, Hirschfeld, G., Brailovskaia, J., Schönfeld, P., Lin, M., & Margraf, J. (2019). Happiness, Life Satisfaction and Positive Mental Health: Investigating Reciprocal Effects over Four Years in a Chinese Student Sample. Journal of Research in Personality.
Cai, D., Zhu, M., Lin, M.*, Zhang, X. C., & Margraf, J. (2017). The bidirectional relationship between positive mental health and social rhythm in college students: a three-year longitudinal study. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1119.
Lin, M., Wang, N., Qian, M.*, Zhao, C., Xu, K., & Guan, R. (2016). 女大学生中共情对自我中心和利他行为关系的调节作用(The moderate effect of empathy on the relationship between altruism and egocentrism in female university students). Journal of Psychological Science, 39(4), 977-984.
Wang, X., Qian, M.*, Yu, H., Sun, Y., Li, S., Yang, P., Lin, M., Yao, N., & Zhang, X. (2016). Social anxiety and interpretation bias: effect of positive priming. Psychological reports, 119(2), 539-556.
Chen, S., Yao, N., Qian, M.*, & Lin, M. (2016). Attention biases in high social anxiety using a flanker task. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimentcc