News & Blog

📹Dziobek Lab on TV! Autism diagnosis at 35 &;

The documentary, produced by Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR), follows Hannah, who was diagnosed with[…]
New member! 👥 Welcome, Barbara!

New member! 👥 Welcome, Barbara!

Barbara has recently joined us as a postdoctoral scientist. Her research focus lies in the[…]
🧠 Dziobek Lab at WTAS!

🧠 Dziobek Lab at WTAS!

Our lab was represented at this year’s WTAS (Conference of the Scientific Society for Autism[…]
New member! 👥 Welcome, Nina!

New member! 👥 Welcome, Nina!

Nina Hartter has recently joined us as a PhD student! Her research interests revolve around altered[…]
Participate in KOMMIT ! 📋

Participate in KOMMIT ! 📋

What mental health topics are important to you? Help us select the most relevant research topics![…]
New member! 👥 Welcome, Josh!

New member! 👥 Welcome, Josh!

Josh Hindmarsh has recently joined us as a PhD student! His research revolves around states of[…]
New member! 👥 Welcome, Maria!

New member! 👥 Welcome, Maria!

Maria Badanova has recently joined us as a PhD student! Her research focuses on the altered states[…]
📹 Dziobek Lab on TV! “Terra Xplore” on Empathy

📹 Dziobek Lab on TV! “Terra Xplore” on

The TV program “Terra Xplore” explores the question What is empathy and can it be learnt?[…]

Podcast: Smart and well

Smart and Well: encouraging conversations about mental health in academiaIt is no secret that[…]

The Surprising Benefit of Helping Someone in

Article in “Psychology Today”: The Surprising Benefit of Helping Someone in Distress Have you ever[…]

Festive opening of the university outpatient

On 09.09.2022, the new outpatient clinic for psychotherapy and psychodiagnostics, headed by Prof[…]
📝  Subjective and objective difficulty of emotional facial expression perception from dynamic stimuli

📝 Subjective and objective difficulty of

You can find the original article here (open access). Is it difficult to read[…]

📣 Language is action! Terminology Guideline for

The autism-research-cooperation (AFK) developed a guideline to destigmatising and inclusive use of[…]
🗞 Article in the magazine “Psychologie Heute”: Autism in women and girls (german)

🗞 Article in the magazine “Psychologie Heute”:

“Nicht einfach nur schüchtern.” (“Not just shy.”)Article in the[…]
Meet our robot! 🤖

Meet our robot! 🤖

In the ERIK project we are working on the development of a robotic platform to support novel[…]
New paper! 📝 Pupillary Responses to Faces Are Modulated by Familiarity and Rewarding Context

New paper! 📝 Pupillary Responses to Faces Are

Every day we see dozens of faces and we are experts in their processing. Faces carry a lot of[…]
New member! 👥 Welcome, Hassan!

New member! 👥 Welcome, Hassan!

Hassan Bassam has recently joined us as a PhD student! He is interested in how large scale brain[…]
📣 Podcast: Mental health in the pandemic

📣 Podcast: Mental health in the pandemic

In the Talking Science Podcast by rbb, Isabel Dziobek talked about how the COVID-19 pandemic has[…]
📣 Patient and public involvement in research: B-Part

📣 Patient and public involvement in research: B

Prof. Dr. Isabel Dziobek and Silke Lipinski are coordinating a new Patient and public involvement[…]
🗞 Isabel Dziobek’s interview for Women in Science Day

🗞 Isabel Dziobek’s interview for Women in

In her interview for the Max Planck Schools, Isabel talks about her passion for science, how[…]
📣 Dziobek Lab at the 1st Digital Scientific Conference Autism Spectrum (WTAS)

📣 Dziobek Lab at the 1st Digital Scientific

The Scientific Conference Autism Spectrum (WTAS) is the largest symposium on autism in the[…]
New member! 👥 Welcome, Julia!

New member! 👥 Welcome, Julia!

Julia Klauder has recently joined us as a new lab manager! She will support the team in financial[…]
📹 SCOTT and Zirkus Empathico on air at Deutsche Welle!

📹 SCOTT and Zirkus Empathico on air at Deutsche

In our digital intervention tools, S.C.O.T.T. and Zirkus Empathico were documented on behalf of the[…]
New member! 👥 Welcome, Mahi!

New member! 👥 Welcome, Mahi!

Mahlet Kassa has recently joined us as a PhD student! She is interested in the relationship between[…]
New paper! 📝 Multidimensional View on Social and Non-social Rewards

New paper! 📝 Multidimensional View on Social and

Social rewards are often compared in experimental designs with non-social ones: a popular pair is[…]
New paper! 📝 Autistic Traits Affect Reward Anticipation but not Reception

New paper! 📝 Autistic Traits Affect Reward

Persons with autism may be experiencing troubles interacting socially with others because of a[…]
📺 Isabel Dziobek on TV! “nano” features our robot Pepper and the Virtual Interaction Task

📺 Isabel Dziobek on TV! “nano”

The TV program “nano” from September 24, 2019 (min. 17.30, in German) reports about the[…]
We are at the Long Night of Science 🔬

We are at the Long Night of Science 🔬

“Long Night of Science” is a an annual popular science event in Berlin, during which interested[…]
📰 The GFK-Training in!

📰 The GFK-Training in!

In an article on non-violent communication, Renata Wacker explained how the GFK-training (a study[…]
📻 Zirkus Empathico is on “Wissen”, Kulturradio RBB

📻 Zirkus Empathico is on “Wissen”,

Simone Kirst was interviewed on Zirkus Empathico by the radio program “Wissen”[…]
📻 Simone Kirst tells Flux FM about the Zirkus Empathico app!

📻 Simone Kirst tells Flux FM about the Zirkus

The Flux FM radio program “appetizer” interviews Simone Kirst about our training app[…]
📻 Arte Xenius broadcast “Empathie” features Simone Kirst

📻 Arte Xenius broadcast “Empathie”

Zirkus Empathico and its application by a boy with Asperger-Syndrome and his family were one of the[…]

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